It is short notice, but for GTA Readers, please try to be there...

Sodastream provides good jobs to hundreds of Arabs in Judea/Samaria, but radical anti-Semitic/anti-Israel groups are trying to intimidate a Canadian Tire dealer in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada into not carrying their environmentally-friendly, socially-responsible products. Help us fight back against the lies by joining us at an Israel Truth Week Vigil, Sat. Sept 21, 11-1pm. to counter their planned picketing.
BACKGROUND: Anti-Israel groups are calling for the picketing at the Canadian Tire on Queenston Road in Hamilton (Stoney Creek) that sells Israeli-made Sodastream products, to take place this Saturday, Sept 21, 11am to 1pm. See copy of their announcement below. They have been harassing the owner in order to force him not to stock Israeli goods, all based on outrageous allegations of stolen land, ethnic cleansing and deprivation of Arab livelihoods. This Sodastream video tells the inspiring truth:
- Location: Canadian Tire, 686 Queenston Road (east of Nash), Hamilton (Stoney Creek) MAP:
- Date/Time: Saturday, Sept 21, 11am-1pm.
- Signs: ITW signs will be available. Do bring Israeli & Canadian flags.
- Handout #1 – Israel Truth Week Factsheet:Sodastream Carbonation Appliance [PDF]
- Handout #2 — from ITW 2013 presenter Matthew M. Hausman, BA, JD: Legal and Historical Precedents for Israeli Claims to Judea and Samaria [PDF, 4P].
- Handout #3 — from ITW 2013 presenter Salomon Benzimra, P.Eng., Canadians for Israel’s Legal Rights ( Introduction to ‘The Jewish People’s Rights to the Land of Israel‘ [PDF, 5P]
- THE VIGIL: I am asking you to help counter this intimidation. I believe that it is our duty not to allow the rising Jew hatred in our country and its attendant lies to go unopposed. The goal is to let the public and any media present know that there are reasonable people who know the truth and do not support the intimidation of business owners via falsehoods about Israel.
- Israel Truth Week will be providing signs and literature for handout, but please do bring Israeli and Canadian flags. As usual, I ask that we protest silently with dignity and not initiate confrontations.Stay on public property: As you can imagine, being caught in the middle of this is not something any business owner wants, so please be careful not to enter onto private property (unless, of course, you’re planning to buy a Sodastream machine ($99) at Canadian Tire that day).Since many of our Jewish friends will be on Shabbat/Succot holiday (Feast of Tabernacles) it would be great to see non-Jews come out to stand the watch for them. Gary McHale, founder of Canadian Advocates for Charter Equality (CanACE), and author of the soon-to-be-announced book,‘VICTORY IN THE NO-GO ZONE: WINNING THE FIGHT AGAINST TWO-TIER POLICING,‘ will be there with his wife Christine. CanACE’s videographer Jeff Parkinson, who’s Caledonia footage has been seen on various TV networks, will be recording the action.I hope to see you there to help stand up for truth and justice for the Jewish/Israeli people.This is the call by Israel-haters to picket Canadian Tire (I have highlighted the false allegations in bold):From: Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War
Sent: Monday, September 16, 2013 3:38 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
SATURDAY, SEPT 21, 11 AM TO 1 PM!Randy Combe, owner of the Canadian Tire franchise at 686 Queenston Road, refuses to listen to reason. Unlike Janet Jacks, head of Goodness Me! whole food stores, he won’t make a commitment not to stock his shelves with Sodastream products, once his present inventory is sold out. Even though many Hamiltonians have phoned and written him, explaining that theproduct is produced on stolen land and at the expense of the livelihoods of the Palestinian families ethnically cleansed from it, he says he intends to continue selling this product of an illegal Israeli settlement.Sodastream is a home carbonation system, produced at the Israeli settlement of Mishor Addumim , to make bubbly drinks. It is mis-labelled “Made in Israel” and is sold thus in Canada with the blessing of the Harper government. It is an attempt to “greenwash” Israeli apartheid by appealing to western environmental sensibilities (in reducing the use of plastic and glass bottles).Five local organizations have signed onto the campaign to boycott Sodastream in Hamilton: Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME); Independent Jewish Voices (IJV); McMaster Muslims for Peace and Justice (MMPJ); the Hamilton & District Labour Council (HDLC); and the Hamilton Coalition To Stop The War (HCSW).You can help! Phone, write, or fax Randy Combe and tell him you will not shop at his store until he commits to not buying any more Sodastream product. Please help by picketing next Saturday.UPDATES:- A new Israel Truth Factsheet has been created to counter Sodastream intimidation: [PDF], also available in the Apartheid – Israel?resources section.
- I am very pleased to announce that Salomon Benzimra, author of The Jewish People’s Rights To The Land Of Israel, will be joining the vigil.
- Journalist/author/TV personality Tahir Gora and his wife are coming to show solidarity with Israel on behalf of the Progressive Muslims Institute Canada. Tahir was a presenter at the 2013 Israel Truth Week conference, and is very active in trying to counter Islamic radicalism within the Muslim community in Canada.
- Famous Caledonia activist and soon-to-be-author, Gary McHale & wife Christine (Canadian Advocates for Charter Equality) are coming. Gary’s upcoming book, Victory In The No-Go Zone, will be released in November by Freedom Press Canada.
- More leaders coming: Shobie Kapoor (Canadian Patriotic Society); Al Gretzky (Freedom Party candidate in last by-election; David Freeman (past Toronto Chair for Canadian Institute for Jewish Research; he is NOT coming on CIJR’s behalf); |
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