Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Oh, For FS!! REALLY??!

I swear I pull my hair out some days, People.......


Somali Muslim Who Raped Dead Swedish Woman Won’t Be Deported (aggggggg!!!!!!!!!)

The Somali Muslim settler was caught raping a dead woman. In his defense, he claimed that it was consensual. And it wasn’t his first rape. But the Swedish prosecutor’s reason for not deporting him sums up everything that is wrong with the West.

District Prosecutor Daniel Jonsson has chosen not to produce any extradition request. (You're a disgrace...)
This Lady survived..
When the Free Times asked Jonsson if he, in the light of the possibility that the 34-year-old will be committing more rapes in Sweden, still feels he has no responsibility to try to get the man deported, he replied no.
“I do not understand why a Somali woman in that case would be less valuable than a Swedish woman in this context. He might commit crimes down there if he were to be deported, “said Jonsson.
In some objective moral calculus, a Somali woman may have the same value as a Swedish woman. But that’s not the point.
As a prosecutor, Jonsson is supposed to protect Swedish society, not Somali society. This rapist is a problem produced by Somali Muslim society. It’s best equipped to deal with him.
The fact that Jonsson does not feel that he has a special priority to protect his civil society is the problem. It’s the problem that makes this kind of migration terror possible.
The accused man is a citizen of Somalia and came to Sweden in 2007. He has already amassed a lengthy criminal records while in his new homeland.
The first time the man was prosecuted for offences was in February 2008 when he was sentenced to probation and fined for drug offences. Then he continued to commit crimes more or less continuously. His records shows that he has been prosecuted for more than 40 crimes, including sexual assault, theft, unlawful threats and a very large number of petty theft and drug offenses.
According to an indictment that District Prosecutor Daniel Jonsson filed in the Stockholm District Court last week, the man raped a sleeping, drunk woman anally on August 13 this year. Then the man, already the following month, had committed another rape. According to the indictment he raped a woman on 27 September in a parking garage in the Sheraton Hotel in Stockholm.
There are some 40,000 Somali settlers in Sweden. And that’s just the beginning.

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