Aussies, think about this
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It’s time to Restore Australia to political sanity!
Spread the word. Halal food supports terrorism and is helping spread Islam in Australia. Click on Image to get your stickers!
Are you tired of lying politicians, failed policies, politicians selling off public services and utilities, poisoning of our air, land and water, too many taxes? The political system is not working. Politicians are not serving the people. The party political system has let us down….Badly!
RestoreAustralia is a fast-growing citizens movement of concerned citizens around Australia working to change the political System and put power into the hands of the people. We are not a political party, nor do any of us get paid — we are all volunteers working together because we are patriots who want a better future for our nation..
RestoreAustralia has two goals:
1. To give all Australians greater control of our Constitution, and our government, by amending Section 128 of the Constitution to give ALL Aussies the right to initiate referendums. At the moment, only the politicians have this right and they are not exercising it on our behalf.
2. To get all Australian voters involved in writing a whole new Constitution. We have produced a Draft and made it available to the citizens of Australia to read and suggest amendments before we offer it for voting in a series of referendums….click on blue text to download a copy of the Draft Constitution
We do not believe multi-culturalism works. We do believe in immigration and integration. If immigrants can’t come here, fit in and become Australian citizens, we don’t want them here. We stand for stopping the boats and turning them around…sending them back to where they came from. If the host country doesn’t like that, we say too bad. Stop sending the boats here!
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- Help us get signatures on the petition.
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